
There are many options for you when you play blackjack. There are some ways, which will help you increase your bet. One of them is known as "doubling down".

Options: Doubling down

Everything that you need to know is explained by the name. You will have to make your wager bigger. You bet more money that you are going to win. The option is available for you during the time, when you have only 2 cards in front of you. This is the time for you to decide. You must understand that you cannot call for a double down, after you have "hit". This is forbidden.

Also, in some casinos, after you call for a double down, you will not be allowed to place a second bet with the same amount of money. The second bet has to be less than your original one. Also, it is a very popular trick for the casinos to make you "split pair" before you are allowed to double down". The casino wants you bet more money because the casino will win more, if you bet more

There are some things that you must know before you go for double down. One of them is that you must double down only when you have ten or eleven in your hand. The reason for that is very simple. There are 16 10's in the deck and because of that there is a big chance to get 20 or 21 from the next card. To indicate to the dealer that you want to double down, you have to put the same amount of money as a bet. You have to put your wager near the original one but never on top of the original one.

Dealer may thing that you are cheating by trying to increase your original bet without his knowledge. If you do everything according to the rules, then everything is going to be okay. You will get even more money, if you win from these two bets. However, if you lose, you lose both of these bets.

Options: Splitting

Splitting is another popular technique to increase the wager that you have made. In this situation, you split your original hand into two hand and then call for more cards.

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